Brain Size 61 Pudknocker's Ball




I’m on the night flight, comin’ home
With a stop on my way goin’ north
I’ve been away four days in a smoky haze
Bein’ nice and trying not to snore

The gears goin’ down, I’m hittin’ Motortown, Detroit USA
There’s no panic today I’m not here to stay
It’s just another stop on my way

I could watch a movie, for a nominal fee
On a screen that I can hardly see
Eatin’ some strange food that looks real rude
With jet engines whining next to me

The gears goin’ down, I’m hittin’ Motortown, Detroit USA
There’s no panic today I’m not here to stay
It’s just another stop on my way

Back in the air, I take another stare
Out the window to the far and beyond
Do I want a drink? Only for free I think
And I’ll be home before I wait too long

The gears goin’ down, I’m hittin’ Motortown, Detroit USA
There’s no panic today I’m not here to stay
It’s just another stop on my way

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins


Savage Lucy, teeth like baseballs
Eyes like jellied fire Broke my tooth with a Drambuie bottle
And a demonic demented smile

Well every time I closed my eyes, the world began to spin
Went too far, lost my keys, got home but I couldn’t get in

This is bad craziness
Kinda glad haziness

Awoke on the doorstep
With a kick and a mile
Crawled up the stairs and
Spoke to the sink for a while

Next day the sun rose high I lay incarnate and despised
Saw Mr. Jack in the late afternoon
And I headed for the sky

I remember the tent, the cookies, the dog
I remember the vomit, the heat and the fog

Author & Composer: Craig Hutchins, Michael Hutchins


My boss thinks she’s a keeper
Too bad I’m not one too
Talkin’ smack behind my back
Just like she’d turn on you

People suck!
People talk and lie
Everybody is lining up
To spit right in my eye

Then comes the downsize
Guess who’s up to go?
Then comes the “You’ll be missed”
Please spare the fuckin’ show

People suck!
People are talky whores
Wrap their words around your neck
And then they pull the cord

So that’s my story
Now I’m on the street
One day y’all I’ll be ten feet tall
While they are all still sheep

People suck!
People talk and lie
Everybody is lining up
To spit right in my eye

People suck!
People talk and lie
Watch your back and don’t talk smack
Until the day you die

Author: Craig Hutchins 
Composer: Michael Hutchins


We were visiting friends, there was a party on the lawn
The sodas were on ice, mom and dad were gone
Tables were turning, everybody having fun
We were dancing around or laying in the sun

We were minding our own business just trying to relax
We were subject to scathing visual attacks
Saw a face in the window, a finger pointing down
We waved to make friends but were greeted with a frown

Hey you! Mind your own business
Yeah you! We don’t need a witness
Hey you! We really don’t need
Will you! Just go away please waaaaaah…
Mr. Nosey Neighbor

The sun went down, the party got going
That’s when Mr. Wet Blanket started phoning
It wasn’t very late and we weren’t very loud
But he was peeking through the curtains taking pictures of the crowd

He said “Get offa my lawn, I got a dog named Kong,
Sic him on you and let the wife loose too!
I am cantankerous, a little bit dangerous
If you don’t cease, I’m gonna call the police!”
So uhh we said….

The sun stayed down, the party kept goin’!
Couldn’t stop us with the tantrums he was throwin’
There is one lesson that we learned for sure
If you got Mr. Nosey Neighbour, killer party is the cure!

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins


Tonight, tonight, I am invincible
Tonight, tonight, I am an imbecile
Twist your knobs, I’ll work this scene
Drink your poison, I get away clean
You sit down now because I am God
Line up all in my tracks you trod

Let me get close so you can see my machine
Show you what I got and then I get away clean
Then I get away, get away, get away…… clean

C’mon, c’mon I got so much to give
C’mon, c’mon off key we gotta live
Dirty girls gonna pay my way
Don’t pay my own man, I’m here to play
Pay attention, take my direction
Hit the black list never play my selection

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins


In the beginning, didn’t worry about the rent
Didn’t worry about the dollars that your girlfriend spent
You just wandered around the forest, eating nuts and that And waiting to get devoured by some jungle cat

You see a monkey on the TV and you think that it’s bizarre
You’re just a four-foot monkey that got a bit too smart

A monkey had an idea and he turned it into beer
Another thought of fire and another of a spear
Yeah, we are all superior to the guys left in the trees
Who didn’t learn to clean a pool or rake up fallen leaves

You see a monkey in the zoo and you make faces through the bars
You’re just a four-foot monkey that learned to drive a car

Someday we’ll build a spaceship to visit other worlds
Or the perfect scented potion to make your straight hair curl

You see a monkey on the TV doing tricks just like a jerk
You’re just a four-foot monkey that wears a shirt to work

We’re all, monkeys that got too smart

Author & Composer: Craig Hutchins, Michael Hutchins


Look at you so cool you fools
Oh in-crowd beckon me
I eat too much and drink’s my crutch
This t-shirt wasn’t free

We got no street cred, too well-fed
Our clothes don’t smell like shit
We play real fast cause our drummer kicks ass
Cork sniffers if the title fits

You lead – we follow, I must admit
So smug you set the tone
Living on crumbs to orbit the sun
Starving for the hipster throne

We got no street cred, too well-fed
Our clothes don’t smell like shit
We play real fast cause our drummer kicks ass
Cork sniffers if the title fits

You don’t like me, its plain to see
Something just don’t smell right
I pay my debts, don’t fuck my friends
You wanna banish me from your sight

So where’s this go?… Oh I know…
It turns out just like this….
The day will come when you’ll be shunned
And I’ll go take a piss…

We got no street cred, too well-fed
Our clothes don’t smell like shit
We play real fast cause our drummer kicks ass
Cork sniffers if the title fits
We got no street cred, too well-fed
Our clothes don’t smell like shit
We play real fast cause our drummer kicks ass
Cork sniffers if the title fits

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins


Death Buzzer was a bug, oh yeah a big bug
He was havin’ lots of fun underneath my rug
That was until the day that he drew my blood
And I killed that mother good

Death Buzzer was so big and he was not afraid
Of the toxic bomb and the stick it gave
His body exoskeletal of structure made
And I squished that mother good

Death Buzzer, Death Buzzer, yeah you’re one tough customer
But now you’re in a box underneath my socks
A Jolly Rodger on top your body rots

Death Buzzer hunkered down for the coup de gras
Of love from human being to dipteral
Paper rolled in a mace to smash in his face
A blob of goopy guts rolled upon the page

Author & Composer: Michael Hutchins


Bugs taste like liquorice
Lizards taste like chicken
I tell you baby
You’re finger lickin’
Mister Blister!

What this means I really don’t know
But it sounds provocative, don’t you think so?
The bass player said we need a gong about sex
This popped into my head and it hasn’t left me yet

Bugs taste like liquorice
Lizards taste like chicken
I tell you baby
You’re finger lickin’
Mister Blister!

Is it nasty or just sounds like it is?
No real impact like pump, hump, blow or jizz
Just a bunch of words if you string together right
Become featured T & A on Entertainment Tonight


Bugs taste like liquorice
Lizards taste like chicken
I tell you baby
You’re finger lickin’
Mister Blister!

Maybe we’ll get lucky and be banned in 50 states
And need a truck to haul the money this thing makes
A bunch of nonsense if you think you will find
Cooking up in the back or our dirty little minds

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins


All my friends gone sleepin’
Gone out like they was dead
All my friends gone livin’
Gone livin’ in their heads

All my friends gone serious
They don’t want to get the joke
You can grow up and calm down
And slowly start to choke

No more power chords
No la la la la la
Yes oh I agree sir!
Oh ya ya ya ya ya
They gone away….

All my friends gone changin’
For the better so they said
My friends just doin’ the best they can
So easily they’re led

No more power chords
No la la la la la
Yes oh I agree sir!
Oh ya ya ya ya ya
They gone away….

No more power chords
No la la la la la
Yes oh I agree sir!
Oh ya ya ya ya ya
They gone away…

All my friends gone sleepin’
Gone out like they was dead
All my friends gone livin’
Gone livin’ in their heads

No more power chords
No la la la la la
Yes oh I agree sir!
Oh ya ya ya ya ya
They gone away…

No more power chords
No la la la la la
Yes oh I agree sir!
Oh ya ya ya ya ya
They gone away…

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins


Holding court on her throne
Queen in a corner all alone
Messages sent to be shown
I want your hot little phone

I want your hot little phone
Gonna give it a tone
and make it all my own

Sadly you leave me flat
Still you think you’re all that
Just stay out of my zone
I want your hot little phone

Do you think its about you?
How do I explain?
Its not your flame… that I burn for…

You give me look of disdain
Believe me I feel no pain
Leavin’ me cold as stone
Just feel your hot little phone

Author & Composer: Craig Hutchins, Michael Hutchins