Brain Size 61 Pudknocker's Ball




Mister Wall Flower
At the side of the room
The music’s got power
Feet wanna move to the tune 

Then you’re up there
Hopping to the Pistols with the gang
Here comes the scare
Head hits the floor with a bang 

Action in store as you’re kissing the floor
And a loud mouthed lout with a beer and a pout says..
Do the step on my face, step on my face, step on my face… Waltz!
Step on my face, step on my face, step on my face… Waltz! 

Lost in the crowd
A boot mark on your face
The dancing lout is screaming loud
Pogo crashing bout the place 

In flies a guy
Looking like Charlie Manson
Makes the Superman try
To save you from further trouncing

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: April Hutchins, Michael Hutchins, Craig Hutchins


Got something to say
White picket fences were never my way
But I learned to keep all inside
Random thoughts I tried to hide 

Some who say they never bend
Can’t compromise or comprehend
A view of life from the other side
If you haven’t lived it you haven’t tried 

When it all is said and done
We made it Baby, we’re having fun
It’s a fine masquerade
Fine masquerade

Got nothing to prove
It’s not all my way but I didn’t lose
Just because I keep rage inside
Doesn’t mean I’ve lived a life of lies 

Like two sides to every coin
Heads prevail while tails keep us going
At times I feel my patience slowing
Then my guitar keeps life’s music flowing

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins, April Hutchins


I ain’t no smarter than the average guy
But what you selling I ain’t going to buy
You’re all wrapped up with polish and paint
But underneath you know it’s a feint 

You got a gold mine in your walk
You got a gold mine in your talk
You’ve been digging gold but you’ve never been told
You got a gold mine, a gold mine 

Maybe sometime when I’m feeling weak
I may consider the ultimate treat
Must keep my wits and not lose sight
Betting on you is worse than losing at dice 

You don’t need me with your sucker brigade
Waiting like fish in your net everyday
Say I’m a loser when your spell falls short
I’ll keep my gold for the genuine sort

Gold mine walk-a-tee-walk
Gold mine talk-a-tee-talk
Gold mine walk-a-tee-walk
Gold mine talk-a-tee-talk

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins, April Hutchins


Got an alibi cause it ain’t my fault and I tell you why
Everybody wins in the world we’re in I don’t have to try
Why can’t you see you can’t blame me no way
Because my mom and dad said I’m the best every day 

Got an alibi and that’s the truth I hope that is clear
The fact I’ll duck I’m a stupid fuck till the end is near
And if I hurt myself I know it’s not my fault
I’ll just start finger pointing and see your ass in court 

Got an alibi can’t shake the fact that I’ll get mine
By that I mean its owed to me even if it takes some time
And I know if working hard just gets to be a drag
After lunch I just won’t come back and next jobs in the bag 

Got an alibi now that’s the way it works it’ll never change
Here I sit like a stupid shit as the world takes aim
And folks who really work will kick ass and pass me by
While I get busy posting pictures and getting high

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins, April Hutchins


Standing at the doorway dressed and ready to go
Ten minutes early for the nine o’clock show
At the airport three hours to the flight
Gotta leave the house in the middle of the night 

No worries Baby you’ll be dead on time
No worries Baby you’ll be dead on time
Baby, Baby, Baby you’ll be dead on time
No worries Baby you’ll be dead on time 

Late for work don’t consider that fate
There ain’t no stopwatch at the Pearly Gates 

Dead on time, rain or shine
So take it easy and you’ll be just fine
Dead on time, you can’t change that
So smell some flowers and fuckin’ relax

Heed this suggestion, live your life
Stop watching minutes and reduce your strife

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins, April Hutchins 


One day, you’ll say how did it come to this?
That day will crush your plastic state of bliss
World keeps spinning that will always be
You little dreamer keep dreaming never see 

Ca va chier!
When you wake up at last
Ca va chier!
Get your head out of your ass
Ca va chier!
You can’t relive the past
Ca va chier!
Heads up do it fast 

One day, you’ll realize the folly of your ways
But then its too late, you used up your days
Pretend alls fine while doom is tracking you
Why not wise up and glance in the rear view 

One today, maybe today is your time to act
Make a difference, make a move, face the facts
Doing nothing is a long road to no where
Why not live with pride, enjoy getting there

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins, April Hutchins


You’re so smart don’t breathe the same air
All you do has style and flair
Naught of mine to yours can compare
Please explain in case I really care? 

Why you gotta be?
Why you gotta be?
Why you gotta be?
Such an asshole, asshole to me? 

Either you’re right or I am wrong
Can’t catch a break all day long
Constitution is not so strong
What drives you to dis what I’ve done? 

Bet you had a rough time in school
Maybe bullies played you for fool
Instead of knowing respect is the rule
It rotted your insides and made you a tool

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins, April Hutchins


Don’t be alarmed, nothing to say
Call me December, I call you May
Some can talk, they don’t understand
I got urges and do what I can 

Now you’re in there, can’t get you out of my head
It’s not obsession, it’s deeper than dread
Sorry Sweet Thing if I don’t look my best
Thinking about you so much I can’t get any rest 

Watch and wait, my aim is true
Outside your window hidden from view
In the night and the whole day through
Got my eye, got my eye on you 

How to approach you is the question you see
Got to get to know you appropriately
I do my best to maintain control
Don’t want you screaming till I got you alone

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: April Hutchins


Sun up the day is long
So right when you done me wrong
A moment can change, change a life
Joy, grief, success and strife 

But like, gimme a moment
I need to savour this day
But like, gimme a moment
Don’t want to let it get away 

Sun down here come the night
Eyes closed till you feel the light
A few seconds burning bright
Blink and its gone outta sight 

Long night, await the dawn
Miss your chance if you hold too long
Your time to make it strong
Take the best shot right or wrong

Author: Craig Hutchins 
Composer: Michael Hutchins, April Hutchins


I wait…for the freedom call
I wait…till the chains will fall
Until then I’m a sullen man
I wait so I can make my stand
Until then I’m a sullen man
I wait so I can make my stand 

Hey! I wait and watch it all
Hey! I wait till oppression stalls
Hey! Sullen as a cloudy day
Hey! Sullen man I will stay 

I wait…for times to change
I wait…and control my rage
Until then I’m a sullen man
I wait for you to take my hand
Until then I’m a sullen man
I wait for you to take my hand 

I wait…staring at these walls
I wait…until I can stand tall 

Until then I’m a sullen man
I wait for change to roll across the land… Hey!
Until then I’m a sullen man
I wait for change to roll across the land… Hey!

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: Michael Hutchins, April Hutchins


She got bits like a ping pong ball
I didn’t know it till I answered the call
Like a turtle on her back when she slip and fall
I had to help her over or my plan would stall 

Call me the good Samaritan cause I do my part
Spreading love around the world with a beating heart
Now you may not be the apple of every eye
But in the eye of this beholder that’s the reason why 

Here I wait in a state as you waltz to the fridge
I can see down the hall you bent rummaging coolidge
Two axe handles wide I fear I’m losing my courage
Seal the deal from behind with much thanks to the brewage

Author: Craig Hutchins
Composer: April Hutchins, Michael Hutchins


In the beginning, didn’t worry about the rent
Didn’t worry about the dollars that your girlfriend spent
You just wandered around the forest, eating nuts and that And waiting to get devoured by some jungle cat

You see a monkey on the TV and you think that it’s bizarre
You’re just a four-foot monkey that got a bit too smart

A monkey had an idea and he turned it into beer
Another thought of fire and another of a spear
Yeah, we are all superior to the guys left in the trees
Who didn’t learn to clean a pool or rake up fallen leaves

You see a monkey in the zoo and you make faces through the bars
You’re just a four-foot monkey that learned to drive a car

Someday we’ll build a spaceship to visit other worlds
Or the perfect scented potion to make your straight hair curl

You see a monkey on the TV doing tricks just like a jerk
You’re just a four-foot monkey that wears a shirt to work

We’re all, monkeys that got too smart

Author & Composer: Craig Hutchins, Michael Hutchins